Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education
2018 Computer Studies – Paper1
2 1. (a) In a school, students reside in three dormitories Red, Blue and Orange. Each dormitory is managed by a patron and each student is required to register for a game.
(i) Open a database program and create a database named schoolgames that would be used to manage the games. (1 mark)
(ii) Create the tables named; Student, Patron, Dormitory and Game in the database created in (i) using the following specifications. (7 marks)
Student table
Field name | Description |
Stud No | Contains unique registration code |
Studname | Contains the name of a student |
Gamecode | Contains codes of each game |
Dormcode | codes codes of each dormitory |
Patron table
Field name | Description |
Patroncode | Contains the patronode name |
Patronname | Contains the patron name |
Dormitory table
Field name | Description |
Dormcode | Contains the Dormcode name |
Dormname | Contains the domitory code |
Patroncode | Contains the domitory patron code |
Game table
Field name | Description |
Gamecode | contains the game code |
Gamename | contains the name of the game |
(iii) Create the relationships between the tables. (3 marks)
(b) (i) Create a form for each table that would be used for data entry. (2 marks)
(ii) Enter the following data into their respective tables:(9 marks)
Student table
Stud No | Stud name | Gamecode | Dormcode |
Koo1 | Ann | Gmoo4 | D003 |
Koo2 | Chris | Gmoo3 | D001 |
Koo3 | Jared | Gmoo1 | D002 |
Koo4 | Julian | Gmoo4 | D003 |
Koo5 | Marion | Gmoo1 | D003 |
Koo6 | Janet | Gmoo2 | D003 |
Koo7 | Tom | Gmoo2 | D002 |
Koo8 | Jerry | Gmoo3 | D002 |
Patron table
Patroncode | patronname |
Poo1 | Maurice |
Poo2 | Edward |
Poo3 | Jane |
Dormitory table
Dormcode | Dormname | Patroname |
D00l | Red | P001 |
D002 | Blue | P002 |
D003 | Orange | P003 |
Games table
Gamecode | Gamename |
Gmoo1 | Basketball |
Gmoo2 | Volleyball |
Gmoo3 | Table Tenis |
Gmoo4 | Netball |
(c) Create a query to extract each of the following details:
(i) StudNo, Studentname and Gamename for all students who reside in the Orange dormitory or play Basketball. Save the query as orangeq. (5 marks)
(ii) StudNo, studentname, gamename for the students whose studentname start with letter “J”. Save the query as Jquery. (3 marks)
(d) (i) Create a tabular report showing the StudNo, Studentname, Dormname, Patronname, Gamename and grouped by Gamename. Save the report as reportgame. (8 marks)
(ii) Format the report created in (i) as follows:
I Replace the report title with the text “players for each game” (1 mark)
II Enter your name and index as a report footer. III Bold the dormitory names in the report. (e) Print out each of the following:
(i) Student, Patron, Game and Dormitory tables
(ii) Jquery and orangeq
(iii) reportgame
2 (a) (i) Open a word processing program and key in the following text as it appears. Save the documents as socialnetwork. (11 marks)
Social networking platforms are used by organisation to improve communication and productivity by disseminating information among different groups of employees in a more efficient manner.
The advantages and disadvantages of social media are as follows.
• Facilities open communication.
• Allows employees to discuss ideas.
• Provides an opportunity to widen business contracts.
• Targets a wide audience.
• Improves business reputation and client base.
• Expands market research.
- Susceptible to fraud
- Potentially results to hate speech
- Destructs normal business operationsEmployers do have the right to ban computer activity that is not work related, this approach may not yield optimal results.If employees are to be allowed access to social networking platforms then a comprehensive and well defined policy should be established to prevent abuses.
(ii) Format the document as follows:
I Title: Font size l8pts, font colour red, font type Tahoma. (3 marks)
II Apply double line spacing for the text under the sub title “Advantages”. (2 marks)
III Apply a 4 lined drop cap on the first letter of first paragraph. (3 marks)
IV Apply a two-columns format with a line between for the text with the two subtitles such that “Advantages” are to the left column and “Disadvantages” are in the right column. (4 marks)
V Apply bold, italic and underline to subtitles “Advantages” and “Disadvantages”.
(iii) Apply the following format to the document: (3 marks)
I Insert a water mark with the text “social media” on the document of a font size of 20 and running diagonally from left to right. (4 marks)
II Insert page numbers at the bottom centre of every page. (2 marks)
III Insert the text “social networks” as a header aligned to the right. Apply italics to the header. (3 marks)
(b) The following is a letter from a Principal of Malimali school to other Principals inviting them for a seminar at the country education offices.
(i) Open a new document and create the following as it appears. Save the document as Malimali (2½ marks)
The Principal
Dear Sir
You are invited to attend the Principal’s seminar which is scheduled to be at the county education office on the 2nd of June 2015.
You are booked to be in <> We are looking forward to a successful event.
Yours Faithfully Lilango Jotema
Malimali School Principal
(ii) Use a mail merge feature to generate customised mails for the addresses shown in the following table. Save the mail merged document as Aletters. (9½ marks)
School Room Ginga School Room 6 Lubi School Room 8 Trans School Room 10 (c) Print out each of the following:(i) socialnetwork
(ii) Malimali
(iii) Aletters (3 marks)
Questions and Answers
2018 Computer Studies – Paper1
1 (a)(i) Creating the database file @ 1 ½
(ii) Creating of tables (at least 3) @1 ½
Student table
✔ 4 Fields each @ ½ =2
Patron table
✔ 2 Fields each @ ½ =1
Dormitory table
✔ 3 Fields each @ ½ =1½
Games table
✔ 2 Fields each @ ½ =1
(iii) Relationship at least 3 each @ 1 =
(b) (i) 4 forms for each table each @½ =2 = 2
(ii) Entering data into the tables
Student table
✔ 8 records each @ ½ =4
Patron table
✔ 3 records each @ ½ = 1½
Dormitory table
✔ 3 records each @½ = 1½
Games table
✔ 4 records each @ ½ =2
(c) (i) Creating the orangeq query
- Invoking the use of query@ 1
- selecting the fields @ 1
- Criteria applied to the fields @ 2✔ Saving the query @ 1(ii) Creating the j query query
- Invoking the use of query@ 1
- Criteria (letter j) @✔ 1 Saving the query @ 1(d) (i) Creating the report
- Using the report feature @ 1
- selecting the report fields @ 1
- selecting the 4 fields each @ 1=4
- Grouping @ 1
- Saving the query @ 1(ii) I. Replacing the report title @l✔ H. Entering name and index as report footer
✔Name and index @ l
✔Position the items in the footer @ 1
HI. Bolding the text
✔Selecting the text @ 1
✔ applying bold format @l
(e) Printing
(i) 4 Tables each @ 1
(ii) 2 queris each @ 1 =2
(iii) The report @ 1
2 (a) (i) Typing the story
- Title @½
- Centering the title @½
- First paragraph @ 2
- Paragraph under advantages @ 2
- Paragraph under disadvantages @ 2
- Last paragraph @ 2
- Bullets used in the advantages @ ½
- Bullets used in the disadvantages @ ‘½
- Saving @ 1(ii) I Formatting the title,p>
- Font size 18 @l
- Font colored @l
- Font typemahoma @lH Double underline
- Selection of text under advantages @l
- Applying double space @lIH Drop cap
- Selection the first letter @l
- Using drop cap feature @l
- Dropping through 4 lines @ 1IV Two columns
- Selection of text @l
- Using the column feature @l
- Applying a line between the columns @ 1
- Advantages to the left @ /z 4
- Formats applied on subtitles
- Bold@1
- Italics @l
- Underline @ 1(iii) I Water marks
- Using the watermark feature @ 1
- Typing the text social media in the watermark field @l
- Font size=20 @l
- Direction (Diagonal left to right) @lH Page numbering
- Using page numbering feature @½
- Inserting page numbers @ 1
- Centering the pages horizontally @/ 2III Header
- Using the header field @ /
- Typing the text in the header field @ 1
- Alignment at the right @½
- Applying italics @ 1(b)(i) Main document
- Typing text @l
- Applying formats ½
- Saving the document @ 1(ii) Main document
- Creation of datasource @3
- Saving the datasource @l
- Using the mail merge feature @½
- Inserting the 2 fields at each @l =2
- Generating the merged document 2
- Saving the merged document @ 1kcse exam 2020
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